CropLife Africa Middle East’s Position Paper on the EU Export Ban Initiative November 2023
Agriculture is a key sector in the Africa Middle East region, employing a large portion of the popul…
CropLife Africa Middle East Position Paper on Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs)
CropLife AME (CL AME) calls on the EU to base its MRLs setting system on evidence and science, which…
Clame position and recommendations on the Africa-eu partnership related to agriculture
The Africa-EU partnership covering agriculture is an opportunity to build a partnership that deliver…
African green transition in agriculture
CropLife Africa Middle East supports an African Green Transition that is a vital pathway to not just…
Sustainable technologies in agriculture will be key to EU Africa partnership
Agricultural inputs and technology can and should be a core part of delivering sustainable developme…
Only Innovation Can Help Africa Align its Food, Climate and Environment Needs
For too long, Africa’s farmers have been pitted against its environmentalists. The common narrativ…