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Sustainable Pesticide Management Framework: Addressing the intertwined challenges of climate change, sustainable food systems and food security

In recent years, agriculture has gained significant attention during high-level discussions on climate change. The Africa Climate Summit and Africa Food Systems Summit that both took place
early September, and other similar platforms have rightly highlighted the importance of sustainable agricultural practices in mitigating climate change. While Africa has the potential to
feed the world and itself thanks to being the planet’s largest arable land, rising temperatures, extreme weather events, plant pests and diseases, leave millions of Africans experiencing hunger
and malnutrition; according to a UNCTAD’s 2022 report, nearly 60% of the African continent’s population experience food insecurity. Moreover, the alarming rate of inflation exacerbates this
precarious situation, making access to affordable and nutritious food even more challenging. Therefore, within current context of climate change, how to strike the balance between the
urgent need to transition towards sustainable food systems while unleashing Africa’s agricultural potential and therefore ensuring African people can afford three meals a day?
FAO estimates1 that, to satisfy the growing demand driven by population growth and dietary changes, food production will have to increase by 60% by 2050, which can notably be achieved thanks to the use of plant protection products (i.e., pesticides, biopesticides) recognized for their long-term role in sustainable agriculture and in ensuring food safety and food security. As this
must be achieved without jeopardizing our ecosystems or compromising the health and safety of our citizens, it is essential to recognize that the road to sustainable agriculture involves a combination of technological advancements, policy reforms, and collaborative efforts. It is in this context that, so far, CropLife Africa Middle East has launched the Sustainable Pesticide
Management Framework (SPMF) in two significant agricultural countries in the region: Kenya in 2021, and in Morocco in 2022, serving as a vital tool to address these intertwined challenges of
climate change, sustainable food systems and food insecurity. The SPMF is a proactive and longterm engagement over 5 years and for which over 13$ million dollars are being invested by the
industry. The core ambition of the SPMF is to protect human health, safeguard the environment and optimize agricultural productivity. It is based on three pillars: reducing reliance on Highly
Hazardous Pesticides 2 ; increasing innovation; ensuring responsible and effective use of plant protection solutions.

I am very proud to note that, both in Kenya and Morocco, the SPMF has already demonstrated changes, notably with regards to the fast-tracking adoption of low-risk products, the introduction of innovations within agriculture, and – via training programs and workshops -, the empowerment of farmers with the necessary skills and knowledge to adopt sustainable farming practices. The successful implementation of SPMF so far is possible, notably thanks to two key ingredients: the localization of the SPMF – as Africa’s agricultural systems vary significantly from a region to another, it is therefore imperative that any green transition strategies is adapted to local contexts -, and the collaborative approach. Indeed, coordinated efforts with key stakeholders along the food supply chain is key, and by working together – from farmers, researchers, policymakers, and other decision-makers – we can create a sustainable and resilient agricultural sector that not only increases productivity but also safeguards the well-being of our communities and environment. Still, a lot remains to be done. Moving forward, and in anticipation of COP28, it is important to recall that:

  • It is of utmost importance that leaders’ conversations center around finding the right balance between transitioning towards sustainable food systems while guaranteeing food security and preserving the livelihoods of farmers.
  • The attainment of a prosperous agriculture sector, capable of feeding an African population expected to double by 2050, while also meeting sustainability goals, requires:
  • appropriate legislative frameworks that foster agricultural innovation;
  • green transition strategies adapted to local contexts;
  • the removal of illegal pesticides (from the market) which cause the deaths of millions of people each year;
  • joint actions to reduce the potential risk associated to the use of pesticides as well as public-private partnerships.

As we cannot afford to delay action, let us seize this opportunity to strengthen collaboration, drive meaningful change, and make a lasting impact on the future of agriculture in Africa.

By Jerome Barbaron, President of CropLife Africa Middle East

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CL AME MENA Regional Director, organized a Training of Trainers of Government Officers and Companies in Amman, Jordan.

In December, CL AME MENA Regional Director, organized a Training of Trainers of Government Officers and Companies in Amman, Jordan. The topics addressed were notably the classification of pests and diseases, Pest Management, IPM and Pest monitoring, Pesticide Classification, Pesticides regulation, registration, and monitoring in Jordan, understanding Counterfeit and illegal pesticides and consequences, Pesticide Resistance management and their causes. The training was attended by 15 (private companies) and 24 (Extension services and plant protection and phytosanitary section). Education is key as it is the seed that grows into a bountiful harvest, and through diverse programs, CL AME contributes to knowledge sharing and education.

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Working together to promote climate resilience on farm

On Friday, 10 December, Dr Samira Amellal, CEO at CropLife Africa Middle East, took part in a thought-provoking discussion on the topic of “Working together to promote climate resilience on farm”, a side event of COP28 in Dubai, together with panellists Sophie Beecher, Director General, Sustainable Development Policy Directorate, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada/ Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, Kristjan Hebert, Global Farmer Network, President and CEO, HEBERT GROUP, & David ‘DJ’ Jochinke, President, Australian National Farmers’ Federation

Please see below key takeaway messages:

  • Public policy can positively impact Africa’s agricultural potential, notably by establishing supportive legislative frameworks.
  • Policymakers should have long-term visions to ensure sustainability (social, environmental and economic);
  • Both the private sector and the public sector have crucial roles to play. Actors along the food value chain need to be part of the decision-making process;
  • Financial incentives are needed for farmers; they need to be productive, as they are businessmen at the end of the day;
  • A localised approach is needed regarding sustainability policies; Dr Amellal called for an ‘Africa localised green transition’, i.e., a sustainable transition tailored to Africa’s agronomic, economic and climatic conditions. This is even more important considering that, in Africa, climate change is having a genuine impact on farmers’ ability to grow, from desert locust plagues of which even a tiny swarm can consume the same amount of food in one day as approximately 35,000 people to droughts and floods!

Via the Sustainable Pesticide Management CropLife Africa Middle East actively engages in discussions with local regulators and policymakers to ensure enabling legislative frameworks are in place. The SPMF illustrates well how enabling legislative frameworks, a localised approach and public-private partnerships are key ingredients to a successful program. As part of the ‘increase innovation pillar,’ the SPMF has already demonstrated changes, notably with the introduction of innovations via the acceleration of registration processes for biological solutions, cooperation with national research institutes on gene-editing research, development of guidelines for the use of drones in agriculture, training and e-learning modules for farmers on Integrated Pest Management, etc.

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Harvesting Innovation for Climate Resilience

esterday, Thursday 7 December, Samira Amellal, CEO at CropLife Africa Middle East, took part in the Devex Climate+ Summit alongside COP28 in Dubai, sharing the stage with Emily Rees, CEO of CropLife International, on the important topic of ‘Harvesting Innovation for Climate Resilience’.

Check out the key takeaways below:

Agriculture can help Africa achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the African Union Agenda 2063 thanks to the opportunities and solutions it offers.

Plant science technologies and innovations can help African farmers deliver more with less, contributing to food security while transitioning towards more sustainable food systems. By unleashing Africa’s agricultural potential, innovations and crop protection technologies also allow farmers and Africa to trade, improving our farmers’ livelihoods and having the potential to lift millions of Africans out of extreme poverty.

The above requires a combination of technological advancements, policy reforms, and collaborative efforts. It is in this context that, so far, CropLife Africa Middle East has launched the Sustainable Pesticide Management Framework (SPMF), a proactive and long- term engagement over 5 years and for which over 13$ million dollars are being invested by the industry. The core ambition of the SPMF is to protect human health, safeguard the environment and optimize agricultural productivity. To date the SPMF has launched in two significant agricultural countries in the region: Kenya in 2021, and in Morocco in 2022.

Still, a lot remains to be done. The attainment of a prosperous agriculture sector, capable of feeding an African population expected to double by 2050, while also meeting sustainability goals, requires:

  • Enabling legislative frameworks that foster agricultural innovation.
  • Green transition strategies adapted to local contexts; Africa localized green transition.
  • Agricultural technologies that are stewarded responsibly.
  • The removal of illegal pesticides from the market which are dangerous for humans’ health and the environment.
  • A favourable trade environment that allows access to these technologies and innovations.
  • To unleash the potential of intra-African trade.

Dr Amellal concluded as follows “COP28 is a fantastic opportunity to gather various stakeholders across the food value chain to discuss these important topics. We now need concrete actions in order to have concrete results”. Ms Rees shared her optimism about the recent Emirates Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action “It’s a great step forward as countries have committed to integrating agriculture and food systems into their localised Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).”

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Launch of the Chongwe Aggregation Hub, Zambia

In November, ESA Regional Director was in Zambia to attend the launch of the Chongwe Aggregation Hub, which is the second Empty Pesticide Container (EPC) Aggregation Hub in that country. In attendance were District Commissioner Chongwe District Administration, representatives from government entities (Zambian Environmental Management Agency, District Agriculture Coordinator Office, and Chalimbaba Agricultural Training Institute), CL Zambia board members, CL Zambia member companies, recyclers, Farmer Cooperatives and farmers. Farmer Cooperatives will manage this aggregation hub under the supervision of the Chalimbana Training Institute and the District Agriculture Coordinator Office. With these partners, CL Zambia aims to reach all the Chongwe District’s horticulture farmers to ensure the triple-rinsed EPCs’ collection. The Chongwe Aggregation Hub is linked to recyclers for the qualifying EPC, and an incinerator for the unrecyclable material.