During the week of 8 April, Evelyn, CL AME Stewardship Director, was in Brussels for the CropLife Regional Stewardship Committee bringing all Stewardship Directors from the CropLife Network and stewardship leads from member companies! The objective was to brainstorm new strategies on how to best promote stewardship building on what farmers know of their land and agricultural systems and augmenting this with additional knowledge and support in its application. Pesticides used with good agricultural practices provide many benefits to farmers beyond increasing crop production and reliability of food supply!

CL AME also passed its strategy early this year, which focuses on the promotion of innovations such as biologicals and drone technologies, enhancing stewardship in key value chains and building partnerships for sustainability. CL AME stewardship programs, while aligned to the larger CropLife Network, have been developed to meet the AME regional needs focusing on smallholder farmers.