During the week of 11 June, Samira, Stella & Evelyn, took part in an “information and awareness-raising workshop for political decision-makers on the
commitments made by States as part of the regional harmonization of rules governing
the registration and management of pesticides in the Sahel and West Africa”. The workshop took place in Cape Verde and was organised by ECOWAS, CILSS, and UEMOA.

The primary aim of this workshop was to support the operationalisation of the West African Pesticides Registration Committee (WAPRC), with attendance from around 17 countries in the region.

During the workshop, CLAME delivered presentations covering the following topics:

  • Stewardship challenges among farmers in West Africa highlighting Responsible use, counterfeit and illicit trade, incidence management, management of empty pesticide containers and obsolete stocks
  • Evidence of the problem of counterfeit and other illegal pesticides in West Africa
  • Reducing reliance on HHPs

These presentations served as an excellent opportunity to address critical issues in
stewardship (empty containers and obsolete stocks) and illicit trade that were identified as key challenges in the region. Key recommendations from these presentations highlighted the need to develop a harmonised policy guideline on illicit trade, monitoring and reporting pesticide incidence, management of empty pesticide containers and obsolete stocks. The policy makers noted with concern these challenges in all countries
present. It also provided the opportunity to discuss CLAME initiatives in developing obsolete stocks prevention guidelines in Africa. Additionally, the workshop provided a platform for discussing CL AME’s regulatory activities aimed at enhancing regulators’ capacities.

Lastly, it offered a chance to talk about the Sustainable Pesticide Management Framework, emphasising the importance of public-private cooperation, and establishing valuable connections within the West and Central Africa (WCA) region