
O ur focus is to support processes that ensure that regulations meet the needs of society by providing access to technology through encouraging innovation while setting the standards for safety and sustainability. These should be established through pesticide regulation which :

Ensures there are no unacceptable risks to human health and the environment from the intended use(s) under practical conditions

Fosters responsible use and compliance throughout the food production chain as stipulated in the code of conduct (CoC)

Promotes investment in new solutions for agriculture and plant science

Facilitates timely access to the technology

Thus, regulating crop protection products should be grounded in science using an evidence-based approach that characterizes the product and its proposed uses and makes informed decisions based on full information and evidence. This ensures that the safe use of pesticides can contribute towards sustainable food production through appropriate understanding and active management of any risks.

This pillar will provide information on our efforts in collaboration with others around harmonization of regulatory frameworks for CPPs {conventional and biologicals} across the sub regions and the AME region as a whole, implementation of international regulatory guidelines and tools related to GHS, risk assessment, IPR and MRLs among others